I've been a bit heartbroken lately. I, like most (if not all) people, go through seasons of joy and seasons of sorrow. This season has clearly taken a sorrowful tone and I can't put words to exactly why. My heart aches for many things and this heartbrokenness--almost on a daily basis--leaves me in tears and leaves me exhausted. The sadness I feel is heavy and it shows itself in odd ways. I find myself crying over small things like the rain and feeling no motivation whatsoever to get out of bed in the morning. Now, before I continue, I'd like to mention that I do know what some of you are thinking. Yes, this sadness is a bit deeper than what most people feel but that is okay. Before you diagnose me with anything, continue reading. This isn't actually about me. See, back to the good stuff, it seems like in this time, I know my battle. I wake up in the morning and pray hard against my enemy and prepare to fight the good fight. I wake up and clothe myself with the armor ...